Sometimes, a little hand-holding is all you need

Interior Design Services

We know that the world of interior design is new and exciting for some of our future clients, and there are a number of reasons why a more condensed design service may be a better fit.

Having a professional interior design expert create the framework for you may not only help drive efficiency but also deliver a sense of confidence that your desired outcomes will come to fruition. 

In our experience, e-design service works well for three types of people:

  • For the special few among us that love a good DIY challenge, but want the quality assurances that come from expert guidance.

  • For those on a truncated timeline (or an undefined one) that may not align with our full service calendar, but need some support in the design development stage.

  • For those who want to manage their investment levels and/or have limitations on what can be done within a space.

If you’re one of these or fall somewhere in between, chances are NW10 can create an e-design package to meet your needs. 

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